Top SEO Agencies in USA by DR (Ahrefs' Domain Rating)
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Top US Digital Marketing Agencies by Domain Rating (Ahrefs DR)
Back in February, just before this whole coronachaos, we did a study and discovered all the 13,105 SEO Agencies that are active in the US. We received a lot of attention after writing about it in SEO Signals Lab, then the story was picked up by SEOBlog who published a nice article describing our methodology and the results we got. One or two SEO companies issued press releases mentioning they were among the leading American digital marketing agencies.

As a result, a few inquiries for similar studies in other industries came our way, and also a lot of people signed up for our newly launched Google rank tracker tool, which kinda was our secret goal.

But the primary goal with this study was to contact every company on the list and let them know about our tool. We're still going to do that, but we had a slight change of heart. First, we're going to warm "the audience" by linking to them :) Nofollow backlinks, of course, but each SEO agency should feel free to reach out to us and ask for a dofollow link instead, whatever that is ;)

So here we are, a few months later, releasing the complete list of US SEO agencies into the wild. Should anyone be against this act - speak now or forever hold your peace!

To spice up the data, we added one more piece of information - Ahrefs Domain Rating (Ahrefs DR, courtesy of our friend Tim Soulo).
Home Blog A "popularity" contest across all the digital marketing agencies and SEO experts in the U.S.
Without further ado 🥁 🥁 🥁 The List

Look up your favorite SEO agency or expert to check their rank but don't forget to scroll down for the methodology!

Methodology and Disclamer
For the record, let me quickly describe the steps we took to get to this data. You'll see why we may have missed a few agencies or why the list may still contain a few intruders. Also, if you do spot inadequacies - please take the time to inform us.

Firstly, we needed a list of all the U.S. digital marketing agencies. We took a bold assumption that SEO agencies need to:

  1. Have a website (Right?!)
  2. Rank in Google Search (anywhere in the first 100 organic results/local results) for at least one of these terms in at least one of the 42K U.S. zip-codes:
    • SEO agency
    • Digital marketing agency
    • SEO company
    • PPC agency
    • SEO services
    • SEO consultant
    • SEO expert
    • Google Ads agency
  3. Have at least one of these terms in their homepage's <title> tag: SEO, Marketing, PPC, Ads, AdWords, Digital, SEM, Link-Building.
And so our Google Rank Tracker performed 341,000 searches (42K+ zip-codes x 8 search terms) and we ended up with 35 million search results belonging to 25,000 unique domains. Now we just had to filter them :) For that, we used Screaming Frog's Custom Search feature which helped us filter domains that had relevant keywords on their homepage's title tag.

Initially, we had around 13,200 websites left, but we still had to manually filter major SEO tools like Moz, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Raven, and others. Same goes for major SEO portals like SearchEngineJournal, SERoundTable, SearchEngineWatch, etc. Eventually, we were left with 13,105 SEO agencies.

Apologies to those agencies that blocked ScreamingFrog/Romanian IPs. We rotated a few User-Agents/HTTP headers. We also tried their JavaScript + Ajax rendering engine (real browser), but still, a few websites weren't crawlable. Oh well...

Alas, we needed Ahrefs' Domain Rating to make the data even more interesting. This step was simple; our friends there were generous enough to send the data themselves.
