What is better CSS layouts or Tables for optimization?
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CSS vs Tables for SEO

CSS vs Tables for SEO - answered by Matt Cutts


It doesn’t matter whether you use CSS or tables. Google can handle both of them so you should worry about make a really good site. In the last days a lot of people prefer to use CSS because it’s easier to modify and to work with it. But all depends on your preferences.


Matt's answer:

Frankly, I wouldn’t worry about it. We see tables, we see CSS, and we have to handle both. So we try to score them, you know, well no matter what kind of layout mechanism you use.


I would use what’s best for you

A lot of people these days tend to like CSS because it’s easy to change your site. It’s easy to change the layout. It’s very modular. Whereas tables, sort of, have this, you know, Web 1.0 kind of connotation to them. But if you have the best site, we will try to find it and we’ll try to rank it highly regardless of whether it’s table-based or CSS-based.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: