What is the purpose for google giving seo advices?
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Why does Google give SEO advice?

Why does Google give SEO advice? - answered by Matt Cutts


The theory that for Google is better if more sites are low in rankings so they’ll have to buy ads it’s not a good long term strategy. Google wants to make web a better experience which will attract more users and the probability of clicking on ads will be greater. There are a lot of white hat SEO advices that people should now for improving their sites.


Matt's answer:


Let me take a step back and sort of rephrase the question. I think it’s saying, look, if everybody has really bad SEO and they can’t rank the way that they want then they have to buy ads and isn’t that a good thing for Google? I think that’s kind of a short-term view of things and Google tries to take the long-term.


For example, we never showed pop-up ads on Google even though it might have meant a little bit more money up front because we knew it would also annoy users and make them less likely to come back. So I think you’re making the mistake, if you’ll let me talk to you personally for a second, that I think you’re thinking all SEO is bad or all SEO is evil.


There’s a lot of white hat SEO that’s really great for webmasters to know

They make their site more accessible, so that everybody can find the pages on their site. They make it clearer, it can help with the organization, so there’s a lot of reasons to help sites with their SEO so that everybody can benefit.


Whenever the web does well Google does well so we try to give white hat advice. We’re not going to teach you how to cloak, we’re not going to try to show you the best ways to key word stuff or anything like that. But we do try to give advice to all the webmasters out there who really could use the help and want to use the help in a white hat way. And I think if we help people with all of those problems then the web gets better, more people use the web, and Google does well. So I don’t think that it has to be something like, oh, we help websites rank better and then they don’t need to advertise. That’s sort of a short-sighted view.


Google tries to help people make the web a better experience

More people will be on the web, they’ll stay on the web longer, they’ll be happier. And just the halo effect, the reflected effect of all of that is that people will search more, and then a few of the times they’ll click on the ads. So I think we try to take a pretty long-term view of things, and I don’t think that it’s smart to say push everybody down so they have to buy ads. That’s not the sort of way that we think at Google.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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