Does Google uses Query deserves freshness (QDF) for SERPs?
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Query deserves freshness. Fact or fiction?

Query deserves freshness. Fact or fiction? - answered by Matt Cutts


Query Deserve Freshness is a part of Googles algorithm designed for improving queries which should deliver the most relevant and new results. So it’s not a myth it’s a real fact and that could be a useful thing.


Matt's answer:

It’s a fact. Amit Singhal has talked about it in the New York Times that we believe there are some queries that deserve freshness. So, “QDF” was how he talked about it in the New York Times.


That is fact, not fiction

Query Deserve Freshness is a part of Googles algorithm which is designed for queries with a trend for a very fast change in the best results. If Google detects a very explosive growing for requirements in one field to that combination of words is assigned label QDF and all results in that field will be as fresh as possible.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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