How to choose between search on Google or search on twitter?
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Google search or twitter search?

Google search or twitter search? - answered by Matt Cutts


You shouldn’t try to make people to choose between Twitter and Google. Each of them is good at something. Twitter is good at asking your friends, breaking news and things like that. Google is good at returning reliable information. So you don’t have to make a decision between them in different cases use the most proper tool.


Matt's answer:


Now, don’t go hating on Twitter or trying to, you know, make people bust heads. Twitter has many, many great uses. It’s great for breaking real-time sort of news, it’s fantastic for asking your friends. Google, on the other hand, we try to return really reliable, really reputable information. So, if you’re sorting by date, Twitter is fantastic. If you want an answer to a question that’s been around for a while, Google’s great for that.


Try both for different situations

If you don’t have as many friends, then you might not be able to get the questions that you want answered on Twitter. And I wouldn’t be surprised if spammers eventually see traffic on Twitter and they’re like, “Mwahahahaha.” Because if you’re only sorting by date, then any new fad that comes along, the spammers might try to jump onto that. So, they’re different. They’re good for different things. I would say use whatever works best for you.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


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