Have Google Analytics a role in page rank determination?
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The weight of Google Analytics data in a page’s ranking

The weight of Google Analytics data in a page’s ranking - answered by Matt Cutts


That question was asked also few years ago at a webmaster conference and then the answer was that search quality does not uses data from Google Analytics. And the most recent answer to this question was given by the most senior person who knows about this and the answer was no.


Matt's answer:

There is a very short answer which I’ll give a minute. But I’ll tell you a little story first which is at PubCon a few years ago which is a WebmasterWorld Conference somebody said, “Do you use Google Analytics in Web spam?” And I said, “Not only doing not used in Web spam, I promise you, my team will never go and ask the analytics team to use their data.”


And we’ve held true to that promise. And I got asked this at the most recent PubCon and I was like, “Well, I know we don’t use it in Web spam. I don’t know about all of search quality. I don’t think that we do. But to my knowledge, no one uses it.”


Google Analytics is not used in search quality in any way for our rankings

When I saw this question, I went ahead and I emailed the most senior, most knowledgeable person who would know about this. And I said, “We don’t use Google Analytics in our ranking in any way, do we?” And the one word reply was, “No.” So, there you go.

by Matt Cutts - Google's Head of Search Quality Team


Original video: