A series of "How to optimize [element X] for SEO" articles
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A series of “How To Optimize” recipes for SEO practitioners

Getting your hands dirty optimizing SEO ranking factors and elements? Good thing you’ve come to the right place. Below is an incomplete list of SEO recipes and best practices for various elements you need to tackle to have a perfect website. But let’s not forget about all those backlinks you still need to build, all right?
Home SEO Series of “How To Optimize the [XYZ Element] for SEO”
The title tag (sometimes wrongfully referred to as the “meta title”), is an HTML element which indicates the title of a webpage. You can see it displayed on each tab in your browser.
This is how a title tag looks in your browser

In the HTML source code, the title tag looks like:
<title>This is the title of the page</title>
Most people use a CMS (WordPress, Magento, Drupal, etc.) and you’re probably using one too, so there’s a big chance you’re never going to need HTML at all – you can optimize the titles from your admin panel.

As its naming suggests, a meta description is an HTML tag which indicates the excerpt of a webpage. The description brings some added value to the title tag, by giving users more information of what they’ll find if they click through our page.
what is a meta description
The code for meta description looks like this:
<meta name=”description” content=”This is an example of a meta description. This will often show up in search results./>